How to Configure the Email Settings Using the Pop Setup?

This amazing web mail service has everyone drooling on it and we're sure in the rush too. Yet, establishing a merchant account at road-runner could be somewhat tricky business. Do not stress, we're here to assist you. Simply follow the simple steps written next few lines and Roadrunner email settings, and voila... you have your road-runner email account.
Before beginning with the process, make sure you have wi fi and/or a reliable online connection.


Roadrunner email settings

Including a roadrunner email account:
Now there are 2 ways of adding your account- either you manually execute it or let the service do it . While definitely the latter is preferred, there may be an instance where it doesn't do the job. Hence, we'll help you with .
Go to Apps and locate configurations. Within settings, click Accounts and choose +Add account. Select Email.
You are free to choose your username and password in line with the written directions.
After inputting your username and password, your account should come in Your email accounts.
If your account is set automatically, well done, you're ready to go. You now have your own road-runner email account.
However, if your account does not automatically show up, you may have to manually execute it. Here is how:
Road-runner Email settings:
To set your Roadrunner account you have to
To enter your current email address and password and then select Guide setup.
It'll now ask you for account form. Select POP3 or IMAP.
Enter your full username and username, keeping in perspective that Roadrunner is the case sensitive.
Enter your account settings as represented in the next steps
POP Settings-
Account Type: POP or POP3
Incoming Mail Server:
Incoming Server - POP3 port: 110
Outgoing Server - SMTP port: 587
Inbound & Outbound User Name: Enter Whole Email -
Xyz@[branch ].rr. com
Inbound & Outbound Password: Mail Password (same as Web-mail )
SMTP Server Requires Authentication: Checked
IMAP Settings-
Incoming Mail Server:
Incoming Server -IMAP interface: 143
Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP):
Outgoing Server - SMTP interface: 587
Inbound & Outbound User Name: Enter Whole email address
X Y Z @[branch ].rr. com
Inbound & Outbound Password: Mail Password (like Web Mail)
SMTP Server Requires Authentication: Checked.
Enter your whole email address and password.
Click Next.
For your outgoing messagesdesignate a display name for your account.
Select Done.
And you have your road-runner Email account, manually. In the event there is any query, you are able to contact Roadrunner email support to get assistance.
Happy E-mailing!